Ultimate Cat Fantasy Isekai Adventure Tier List [Global Release]

Cat Fantasy هو واحد من تلك Gachas حيث يمكن أن يكون الحصول على الخداع صعبًا حقًا ، لذا فإن التركيز على عدد قليل من الشخصيات والارتقاء بها هو أفضل خطوة لمعظم اللاعبين ، وخاصة F2P. To learn which characters are best and why, scroll down and check out our ultimate Cat Fantasy combatant tier list !

كات الخيال Isekai Adventure Countagant List

Here is our tier list of combatants in Cat Fantasy. لاحظ أننا استبعدنا جميع RS ومجموعة من SRS لأنها لا توفر قيمة كافية. For the ranking, we took into account each combatant's performance both in PvE and PvP . So, consider it an overall priority list of which characters you should try to get and invest in.

Also, note that a lot of 6-Star SR combatants can outperform 0-Star SSRs , especially early on when you don't have the outfits and weapons. So, do upgrade and use them during the early game grind . فيما يلي التفاصيل حول أفضل الشخصيات في Cat Fantasy ولماذا يجب أن تحصل عليها.

أفضل المقاتلين PVE

  • Triss [Heartfelt Healing] : Arguably the best Support/Healer in the game that cleanses debuffs on your allies and makes most PvE content trivial.
  • Echo [Perfect Pitch] : An OP AoE DPS that pierces through enemy DEF and makes any PvE content with multiple enemies too easy.
  • Shiro [Tactical Submarine] : DPS/support that increases enemy damage taken and enables your main DPSs to destroy single enemies.
  • Anja [Crown of Frost] : Support/CC that provides your team with sustain and can also freeze enemies, preventing them from attacking.
  • Shiro [Combat Mode] : OP single-target DPS that also shreds armor and deals extra damage against enemies with debuffs.
  • Asura [Forest Ranger] : Stacks vulnerability on enemies and deals insane single-target damage, which ramps up the longer the battle is.
  • Danica [Ember in Dark] : Very good single-target DPS for PvE that goes through enemy defense.
  • Triss [Pure Grace] : One of the best SR supports/healers you can get and use if you don't have Heartfelt Healing/Truths & Ink.
  • Carol [Solitary Maiden] : Another great SR support/healer you can use instead of Pure Grace/Heartfelt Healing/Truths & Ink.
  • Yunpei [Truths & Ink] : One of the best SR supports/healers together with Pure Grace, with consistent healing and offensive buffs.

أفضل المقاتلين PVP

  • Echo [Perfect Pitch] : The AoE DPS is invaluable in PvP as well, and it makes Perfect Pitch one of the best PvP combatants in general.
  • Hailey [Purifier's Waltz] : AoE/single-target DPS that can chip the whole enemy team. يعمل بشكل أفضل مع الملعب المثالي.
  • Anja [Crown of Frost] : The CC Crown of Frost is OP for PvP, and it can easily win you battles.
  • Echo [Marine Maverick] : Support/CC combatant who provides buffs and shields for allies, cleanses buffs, and lowers enemy energy.
  • Minami [Scarlet Samurai] : Can taunt enemies and reduce their damage, making it an extremely good pick in PvP.
  • Asura [Forest Ranger] : Her ramping damage is OP in PvP against comps with a lot of sustain.
  • Danica [Ember in Dark] : Very good single-target DPS that can help your team nuke enemies.
  • Sylviette [Abyss Oath] : One of the best single-target DPSs/assassins for PvP. إنها تعمل بشكل جيد للغاية مع Ember في Dark and Forest Ranger عندما يتعلق الأمر بإعدام الأعداء.
  • Poppy [Duck 'n' Roll] : Can use taunt on the first turn and single-handedly win you matches. ليس سيئا بالنسبة ل SR ، أليس كذلك؟

هذا يختتم قائمة الطبقة المقاتلين Advanture Cat Fantasy Advanture. إذا وجدت هذا الدليل مفيدًا ، فتأكد من وضع أدلة Game Propark لمزيد من هذا المحتوى! أيضا ، تحقق من قائمة رموز الخيال القط للحصول على بعض الهدايا المجانية في اللعبة.