uAttend -
Punch in and out, transfer departments, and manage time cards on the go.
The uAttend mobile app works in conjunction with uAttend 's Cloud-Connected Time and Attendance System. يقدر الموظفون راحة اللكم والخارج في راحة يدهم بينما يدير المسؤولون والمشرفون بطاقات التوقيت بسهولة. For a personalized touch, the app displays your company logo upon login once you've added it to your existing uAttend account.
Hourly employees can clock in and out for work, lunches and breaks. It's all possible in the app! To streamline the process, the app shows the next most likely punch option available to each employee. عندما يكون شخص ما في استراحة الغداء ، سيعودون إلى مطالبة الشاشة لتثبيتها من الغداء. عند اللكم ، سيرى الموظف وضعه لكمة مع الوقت والتاريخ والقسم الذي يتم تثبيته فيه. They can even transfer departments with the touch of a button.
When transferring departments employees are prompted to enter the new department or search by name. Once you transfer it automatically punches you out of your existing department and punches you into the new one.
Employees with permission can view current and past time cards. It's easy to approve or email their time cards to a supervisor or themselves in an instant.
Employees can add tips and expenses right from the app. This comes in handy for reporting purposes and so payroll can handle. Add expenses based on the expense codes your account has set up. Track gas, team lunches or whatever you need by selecting the category and adding the amount. Once everything is entered, you can filter by gross pay, notes, tips and expenses.
Keep the lines of communication open knowing staff can write a short note to their supervisor with each punch.
Administrators and supervisors enjoy real-time oversight on employee time and attendance regardless of location. The app provides a list of all employees and their punch status. At a glance you'll know who's in, who's out and who's missing. Filter by different statuses to identify who's at lunch. Administrators view and edit all departments while supervisors view and edit departments or employees they are responsible for. Email timecards individually or to multiple people.
Within your account, you can filter by employee or department to return results. Search employees to show gross pay, overtime, benefit hours and more. أرسل ملخص TimeCard بالبريد الإلكتروني لجميع الموظفين وإضافة ملاحظات قبل إرسالها. كمسؤول يمكنك تحرير اللكمات وتسهيل اللكمات الجماعية والموافقة على البطاقات التوقيت وحتى الاتصال بالدعم مباشرة من التطبيق. If you change your pay period after the fact, there is a way to recalculate timecards as well.