
DriverDiary يسافر
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.2.3
  • 3.89MB

DriverDiary -

Fuel efficiency, expenses, parts...all at your finger tips wherever you go!

Do you know how much it costs to drive your vehicle every day? Find out with our comprehensive stats as you enter and track your fill ups, service costs and expenses. DriverDiary has a familiar, user friendly interface and conforms to Androids latest standards unlike most other similar apps.

DriverDiary is compatible on all devices running Android 2.1 and up including tablets. يحتوي على قائمة ميزات غير مسبوقة في الإصدار المجاني ، بما في ذلك المركبات والسجلات غير المحدودة ووظائف الاستيراد/التصدير/النسخ الاحتياطي. Where other apps limit you and charge, DriverDiary is fully functional and UNLIMITED for FREE! نعتقد أن البيانات التي تدخلها هي لك ، ويجب أن تكون قادرًا على تصديرها ، ودعمها وفعل ما تريد به كلما أردت دون الحاجة إلى دفع رسوم إضافية للوصول إليها.

The Pro version adds additional unique features like Sync, attaching files and importing recalls, TSBs and factory maintenance. يعد DriverDiary Pro هو تطبيق تتبع المركبات الأول والوحيد على Android لتقديم القدرة على مزامنة بياناتك بين خادم عن بُعد وأجهزة Android المتعددة بالإضافة إلى استيراد بيانات مركبة المصنع. Search DriverDiary Pro in Google Play!

إذا واجهت أي أخطاء أو أخطاء ، فيرجى مراسلتنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني أو استخدام زر "التقرير" حتى نتمكن من محاولة حل المشكلة قبل ترك تصنيف سيئ و/أو تقرير خطأ في التعليقات. We can't reply to the comments to help you or notify you when the bug is fixed. We fix bugs quickly when they arise and we want you to contact us. We pride ourselves on our customer service and quick response times.

*** DriverDiary does not request strange or unnecessary permissions. Please read below to learn about the permissions DriverDiary requests.

Standard Features

-Enter fill ups, maintenance, expenses and parts

-Track unlimited vehicles (cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc)

-Add drivers and assign them to a vehicle

-Import/Export CSV data

-Backup and restore data to SD card

-Use main or trip odometer

-All standard unit of measure options (MPG, km/L, L/100km, etc)

-Selectable odometer and unit of measure per vehicle

-Selectable distance and volume units per vehicle and fill up (milesliters, kmgallons)

-Exclude partial fill-ups from calculations

-Exclude fill-ups from average

-Multiple currencies

-Add/Edit/Delete all list items (service types, expense types, etc)

-Comprehensive stats and charts on your vehicles

-Service Reminders†

-Basic trip tracking

-Dark and light themes

-Shortcut widget

-Install to SD Card (Android 2.2+)

†Service reminders use your devices built in alarm manager and NOT a constantly running background service. DriverDiary is resource and battery friendly!


*INTERNET - Used for ads in the FREE VERSION and the Syncing feature in the PRO VERSION

*READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE - Used for creating backups and exporting data to your SD card in all versions.

*ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - Used to check your network connection for the Syncing feature in the PRO VERSION ONLY. This permission is not used at all in the FREE VERSION.

*receed_boot_completed - يستخدم لتسديد مدير الإنذار لإخطار DriverDiary عندما يجب أن يؤدي إلى تنبيه تذكير في جميع الإصدارات أو القيام بنسخة احتياطية تلقائية في الإصدار المحترف.

*ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION, ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION – Used for populating location addresses and other location fields in the PRO VERSION.

*READ_GSERVICES, MAPS_RECEIVE – Used for displaying fill ups and trips on Google Maps in the PRO VERSION.

*GET_ACCOUNTS - Used for connecting to Google Drive in the PRO VERSION

Please leave a review for DriverDiary if you download it and use it. Let others know what you think!

Any comments or suggestions for future versions, please email us and let us know! We want your feedback!

This app is acar fuel log.

Driver Diary fuel mileage tracker

ما الجديد في أحدث الإصدار 3.2.3

Last updated on Aug 12, 2015 *NEW* Google Drive integration for backups (PRO)
*FIX* Number parsing for non-US locales
* إصلاح* تحرير الرحلة وأنواع القيادة
*FIX* Data resetting when adding a store to a part
*FIX* Import when selecting files from other than standard storage location
*FIX* Deleting default vehicle still displays info

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