
wallsplash Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.2.5
  • 4.88MB

wallsplash -

wallsplash | wallpaper for everyone

(DISCONTINUED. no new images will be added)

wallsplash is the cutting edge wallpaper app for your device!

wallsplash uses


Google Earth View**,

Jay Mantri***

as image sources, all combined already feature over 15000 images.

The current version includes following features:

* over 15000 images

* browse the images

* "love" the best images and use them later

* muzei support

* material design

* clean and minimalistic

* categories

* many animations

* set the wallpaper with a single click

* set and crop the wallpaper with a long click

* share wallpapers with your friends

* save them on your device

Find out more by following our social profiles. http://wallsplashapp.com

This application was designed with the new Material Design principles in mind. It gives you a perfectly fluid user flow with simple and fresh animations. It also unleashes the full power of Android Lollipop by providing bright colors fetched out of each single wallpaper.

This base applications is open source and you can find the source code @GitHub here: https://github.com/mikepenz/wallsplash-android

*Unsplash (Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos) (https://unsplash.com) is a service by https://pickcrew.com/

**Google Earth View https://earthview.withgoogle.com

*** Jay Mantri http://jaymantri.com/

What's New in the Latest Version 3.2.5

Last updated on Aug 3, 2016 v3.2.5
* set the wallpaper as wallpaper and lockscreen wallpaper (just on click of the wallpaper set button)

* New wallpaper source --> Google Earth Walls (including 100 high high res walls)
* Improved muzei support
* Many speed and stability improvements
* Lots of behind the scenes improvements

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