Waktu Solat, Ramadhan, Tasbih -
Islamic prayer times and the direction to the Qibla around the world.
Main Functions
* Preload Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Indonesia prayer times based on local calculation.
* Notification of Fajr, Zuhr, Asr, Magrib and Isya.
* Qibla compass and distance to show you the direction to Mecca.
* Lists the nearby mosques.
* More than 30 daily supplications or doa.
* Tasbeeh counter for your daily zikr.
* Asma Ul Husna, Angels in Islam and 25 Prophets.
What's New in the Latest Version 1.0.9
Last updated on Oct 24, 2017 - New Offline Prayer time for 2017 (Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia).- Bug Fix.