VillageDefense - Crime Alerts

VillageDefense - Crime Alerts Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.0.8
  • 28.28MB

VillageDefense - Crime Alerts -

Crowdsource real-time crime alerts and discussion in your neighborhood.

Join over 3,000 neighborhoods that use VillageDefense to know when crime is happening in real-time. Our free app connects your neighbors like never before so you won't be left in the dark when crime happens. We crowdsource crime alerts and discussion, notifying you by text message or phone call when a crime is in progress.

• It's super simple to send alerts. For example, if you see your neighbor's home getting broken into, simply type out what's happening and press send. Within seconds, all of your participating neighbors will get a text message or phone call notifying them of what's happening and what to look out for. This activates the full witness potential of your neighborhood.

• Live chat with neighbors in real-time to post follow-up information, ask questions, share photos, and more.

Our neighbors are our allies, and it's about time we harnessed the networking power within our very own community. Let's outsmart crime, together.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0.8

Last updated on Apr 26, 2016 • If you live in San Francisco, you can now see recent crime data from SFPD
• Minor design updates and bug fixes

Welcome to VillageDefense! It's now even easier to connect to your neighbors to share real-time crime alerts.

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