Vetcheck - Hersteller zeigen

Vetcheck - Hersteller zeigen Online Shopping
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.2
  • 1.4MB

Vetcheck - Hersteller zeigen -

Learn who really makes the product and save money

* No spaces or Bindestrische enter *

* Yes, only for products from Germany (DE) *

Approval number finder. Want to know which brand is behind the Gützeichen?

Enter the number and find out which brand manufacturers is behind the no-name product.

Save when you purchase. Discover whether your discounted product is also a quality product.

All manufacturers from Germany of dairy products, eggs and Fleichprodukten processing companies included.

Some deposited with Noname products. NOT at all producers products are stored. To help you decide whether the manufacturer is ok for you.

Many brand name products produce for supermarkets and for its own brand.

Take advantage of the huge difference in price for the same quality and taste.

Enter the approval number and the result is displayed immediately.

The veterinary number identifies the actual producers.

This Coder (approval number) is printed on the packaging.

Very easy to use. Fill out the field in the graph, and you can see the manufacturer.

No advertising.

No Spyware.

No unnecessary permissions required.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2

Last updated on Jan 11, 2017 V1.2
- Absturz beim Starten behoben
Passierte nur, wenn man noch keine anderen Datenbanken durch Apps installiert hatte. Sorry

- Viele Noname-Marken zu den Hersteller hinterlegt
- Optimierte Datenbank (kleiner)
- Suchabfrage nun auch über die Tastatur gestartet

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