Umbrella Reminder -
Umbrella Reminder application reminds you that the rain will come
Umbrella Reminder application reminds you that the rain will come or probably will come. Just set the reminder time and you will get the umbrella notification about the weather: rain or snow.
* Ability to set the time of daily notification
* Ability to choose on what the notification is received: rain, snow and sun
* Use Celcius or Farenheit
* More detailed forecast for several days
* Can use the phone's last remembered GPS location or just write the city yourself.
* Can choose the mode of internet usage only if connected to WiFi
* If you find it useful can share the info with friends - so why not?
For any questions or improvement advises please send an email to [email protected]
Powered by Google Weather
What's New in the Latest Version 1.4
Last updated on Apr 6, 2016 1.4Fixed the bug of "cannot get the weather info" - by using another web service
- share not only in Facebook, but other social networks, email and other installed applications
- fixes of bugs
- main icon changed - blue umbrella
- crash, freeze and other bug fixes
- changed look of settings menu
- added progress bar on opening
- changed text of Facebook share - contains weather info too
- support Android 2.1