Trane BAS Operator

Trane BAS Operator Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.18.2462
  • 26.54MB

Trane BAS Operator -

Trane BAS Operator has all you need to check your building’s HVAC system.

Check your building’s HVAC system to see the status, make adjustments, respond to hot/cold calls quickly and get more done in your day.

The Tracer BAS Operator works with the Trane building automation system controller: Tracer SC version 3.6 and higher. The BAS Operator is fully integrated with Tracer SC – just log in to view your building!

The Trane BAS Operator Features:

Manage Alarms

• See the active and historic alarms in your system, their severity and what generated the alarms.

• Acknowledge new alarms and add comments for others to see

• Keep the alarm log tidy with the delete alarm functionality

View Status

• See what’s happening in spaces, with equipment and entire systems.

• Built-in graphics for easy to read status, at a glance, including animations.

Take Action

• Respond to hot/cold calls by adjusting setpoints, overriding equipment and occupancy.

A feature of BAS Operator is it remembers the connection information for your connected devices. This is very helpful! However, when Updating to a new version, do not Un-install (or delete) the old version. Doing so will erase the device connection data.

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