TindR Fire

TindR Fire Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.0
  • 8.87MB

TindR Fire -

TindR Fire - Help ease the effort of finding matches on tinder/See who liked u

TindR Fire is a third party application that will help ease the effort of finding matches on tinder, by allowing you to like more profiles.


- Auto Liker - Like multiple profiles at once.

- See Matches

- Facebook Friends: You can now see which of your Facebook friends are on Tinder and like

- Already Liked Me: See who already liked you on tinder

How to use?

1. Login with your Tinder account (Facebook verification)

2. like users by pressing the 'Heart icon’ on the user profile picture or the ‘Star’ to superlike a user. If you wish to pass a user without liking them simply refresh the user list by pulling down on the list and TindR Fire will load a new list of nearby users.

3. To like or dislike all use users on the list, use the heart/Cross icons are the bottom of the list.

3. To see who has liked you or your Facebook friends on Tinder, press the drawer icon (stripped icon on top left) to access the ‘Drawer’ here you will have multiple options for additional Features, you can like/super like your Facebook friends directly

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Happy Matching!

TindR Fire Team

What's New in the Latest Version 2.0

Last updated on Jun 3, 2017 Login bug fixes.

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