Taxi-Everywhere -
Get your taxi anywhere in Europe in 2 clicks or grab one at the nearest station
Looking for a cab during your week-end in Barcelona ? Or to go to a business meeting in Bordeaux ?
Find and call the closest taxi company in any city with Taxi-Everywhere.
You are a group of 5 ? You want to pay by credit card ?
Define your own criteria very easily : passenger capacity, language spoken, payment options, wheelchair accessibility, ratings etc.
Tired of waiting ? Taxi-Everywhere also locates the nearest taxi stand
No internet access ? Save your favorite taxi companies, and retrieve the last one called
Extensive database: more than 20 000 taxi-companies in 7 countries and expanding
Service available in: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Netherlands and Switzerland.
Coming soon: Austria, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal, Poland and UK
What's New in the Latest Version 1.1
Last updated on Feb 5, 2016 - Taxi-Everywhere now speaks English, French, German and Spanish- Improved graphics