Tattoo Catalog -
Tattoo Catalog of high quality tattoos and sketches arranged by categories
Tattoo Catalog includes tons of high quality tattoos and sketches arranged by styles, themes, body parts categories.
Get inspiration, pick your own tattoo, save, print and show it to your master. Tattoo ideas selection experience has never been easier.
Whatever you decide to have a tatoo - for fun, for good luck, as a reminder or for spiritual and ideology aspects you will found ideas for your inspiration.
The app includes well organised Tattoo Catalog to discover different styles and tattooing technics. It provides high resolution images and sketches with convenient categories navigation and pleasant UI. Even for those who wouldn't like to have a tattoo the app could be an enjoyable entertainment. Dive into the shocking tattoo art - whole body tattoos, head tattoos or facial.
The app allows to:
- Browse tattoo gallery organized by body parts, themes or styles
- Browse tatoo sketches gallery organized by themes, styles, regions, flash sets or illustrated
- View tattoo designs album
- View high resolution images
- Zoom in image to see all the details
- Share tattoos using your favorite way of sharing
- Download images or sketches to your device
- Collect the most beautiful tattoos in the Favorites section
Pick your own tattoo, share designs with your friends or just have a nice time with Tattoo Catalog app, that we hope will be a pleasure to use, cause we did our best. Happy tattooing!