Spain Commuter Trains

Spain Commuter Trains Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.31
  • 3.12MB

Spain Commuter Trains -

Spain Commuter Trains allows you to search schedules Renfe trains in Spain.

Spain Commuter Trains allows you to search schedules Renfe trains in Spain.

Now shows schedule with transfers.

You can save your favorite routes.

Now you can watch also the expiration date of your subscription. Along with notifications that alert you when your subscription will end.

View the schedule of trains Asturias, Barcelona, ​​Bilbao, Cadiz, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia / Alicante, San Sebastian, Seville, Valencia and Zaragoza.

The schedules are derived from the Renfe website.

This application is a standalone application that has no relationship with the company Renfe.

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Supports Spanish, English and Catalan.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.31

Last updated on Nov 5, 2015 Version: 1.31
-Added station Montcada I Reixac (Barcelona)

Version: 1.30
-Updated list of stations

Version: 1.29
-Enhanced Search engine
-Changes lower

Version: 1.28
-Fixed bugs that caused force close
--Added basque language

Version: 1.27
-Modified The notification service. Now it is not always running.
-Added delete button in the favorites list. We make it easy to remove a favorite path.

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