Smart Rides Booking App -
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About us...
In July of 2013, Smart Rides applied for a Taxi License from the Colorado Public Utilities Commission. After a year we have finally received word that we have been awarded a license, and now have 60 days to get all our ducks in a row. Our target launch date is August 15, 2014.
Who Smart Rides have to thank:
We have a number of close friends, community leaders, and concerned citizens to thank for their letters of support, and willingness to testify to the lack of service in Greeley. Without their help, this would not be possible.
Our Services:
Taxi Services - Smart Rides will provide taxi cab services throughout Greeley and Weld County. Stay tuned for more details.
Concierge Services - Pretty much anything and everything you'd need to drive to do, get, fetch, or take, Smart Rides will do for you. Again, details will follow.
Designated Driver Services - Never leave your car behind again. Ever go to the bar, have a few, can't decide who should stop so they can drive. Don't worry about it. Call us and Smart Rides will come get you on one of our folding scooters (pictured below), and drive you home in your car.