Smart Responder

Smart Responder Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 4.0
  • 1.48MB

Smart Responder -

Do you have the most evolved application of android ?

Smart Responder can be configured remotely. Useful when phone is lost, robbed or forgotten somewhere.

Smart Responder is able to intercept incoming calls and SMS's from callers and message senders respectively.

User can send auto replies to a restricted set of people.

Smart Responder is able to send emails containing incoming SMS and Call logs to owner's Gmail account.

..and much more

There is an 'Offline Help' option for users in the application menu. It explains complete functionality about the application in detail. It contains details on how to configure the application remotely as well.

For more detailed help and usage instructions, please refer the following page on Facebook for more details :

Please let us know your concerns and queries on the page itself.

What's New in the Latest Version 4.0

Last updated on Sep 1, 2016 -New features added as follows:

a)Custom message template. Add as many message templates as you want. Select as you type.
b)Restrict automated messages to incoming calling and messaging users.
c)Reject incoming calls i.e. avoid people from waiting for calls.
d)Ignore unknown numbers i.e. automated messages won't be sent to unknown numbers.

Enjoy and please review.

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