Skin Doctor Pocket Dermatology

Skin Doctor Pocket Dermatology Sports and Health
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0
  • 12.86MB

Skin Doctor Pocket Dermatology -

Your Pocket Dermatologist, ability to take and send pictures,comments to doctor.

Skin Doctor (" Mobile App") - a mobile application for goggle mobile devices, that present reference material about common dermatological disorders. Content for each disorder will include: Name, Image, Description, Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention. With localization for English, Spanish, and Mandarin, with a privacy feature to impede access to pin protected photo archive, and the ability to take, store and send pictures and comments as email attachments to clinician. Skin Doctor offers organic skin care products, private label and custom formulas. We offer our customers the option to either use a pre-formulated stock base, or to create a custom formula for their private label skincare products. As you explore what you would like for your line, you may end up having a mix of products from both options. The stock base option includes a variety of pre-formulated products that the customer can repackage and label with their own brand. You also have the option of starting with a stock base and having our formulation team customize it to make it your own.

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