Satellite frequency table -
Satellite configurations now can be installed easily!
NO UPDATES! Pro version with last updates and auto synchronize will be ready soon
Satellite configurations now can be installed easily!This application will help you to find frequencies of channel of your choosen satellite,its more faster and has over 68 satellites which has over 2000 channels and BISS keys.Also you can click on channel which will show you more information about it(INTERNET NEEDED).In march a lot of channels were reanmed here you can read them and last updates will always be here,enjoy!
Atlantic Bird 1 Eutelsat 12 West A
Atlantic Bird 2 Eutelsat 8 West A
Atlantic Bird 7 Eutelsat 7 West A
Atlantic Bird 3 Eutelsat 5 West A
Eutelsat 3A Eutelsat 3A
Eutelsat 3C (ex-Atlantic Bird 4A) Eutelsat 3C
Eurobird 4A Eutelsat 4A
W3A Eutelsat 7A
Eurobird 9A Eutelsat 9A
KA-SAT Eutelsat KA-SAT 9A
W2A Eutelsat 10A
Hot Bird 6 Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A
Hot Bird 8 Eutelsat Hot Bird 13B
Hot Bird 9 Eutelsat Hot Bird 13C
W3C Eutelsat 16A
Eurobird 16 Eutelsat 16B
SESAT 1 Eutelsat 16C
W6 Eutelsat 21A
Eurobird 2 Eutelsat 25A
Eurobird 1 Eutelsat 28A
Eurobird 3 Eutelsat 33A
W4 Eutelsat 36A
W7 Eutelsat 36B
W48 Eutelsat 48A
W5 Eutelsat 70A
If you have questiions or suggestions please write to [email protected]
What's New in the Latest Version 5.3
Last updated on Aug 27, 2015 5.3)Исправлен баг с кодировкойДобавлены:мастер коды спутниковых ресирверов,
Бисс ключи и инденты"(Обновление 01.07.2013)
Добавлена функция поиска
Добавлен новый канал Ukranian mux в Amos 2