Real Academy -
Official App Team Real Academy
The ASD Real Academy was born in July 2015 as the merger of two pre -existing Lodi football clubs: the Real QCM and the FC Vizzolo. Two partnerships that include four countries, Quartiano, Cervignano d'Adda, Mulazzano and Vizzolo and who decide to coalate the forces to guarantee an increasingly broad activity and proposal. The most heavy rock to overcome could be the natural skepticism determined by a sporting story characterized by many years of belonging, each to its own origins. Instead, the project works and in addition to football also 5 -a -side football and dance, they become part of the new reality which thus becomes a point of reference for the whole territory, with the declared intent to grow more and more. The Real Academy is today one of the very few qualified football schools of the Lodigiano which can count on about 300 members and distinguished itself as an important football reality in the region, as well as among the very first at the provincial level by catchment area, structures, human resources, technical resources, applied methodologies, results and projects.