Rabo KidsGeldWijs -
With rabobank kids cash wise app children playfully learn to handle moneyy
Children learn to handle money, thanks to the Rabobank educational kids money wise app.
Start with your own safe, for which you come up with the secret access code! Take photos of all your saving goals so that you know what you are saving for! Receive pocket money and earn extra money by doing odd jobs for your parents, grandpa and grandma or your neighbors! Keep your money in the safe and keep in the app where you spend your money. Are you going to achieve your saving goals? Do you have trouble dealing with money? Or are you a real saver? Moneycoach Yvette is there for you, to teach you to be responsible with your money and how you can achieve your savings goals. She always gives you tips and tricks to make money and to help you with your savings. You learn that you can only spend money once and how you can best save.
Learning to deal with money is one of the goals that are of paramount importance of Rabobank. To be able to handle money responsibly at a later age, Rabobank has developed the Kidsgeldwijs app for children aged 6 to 10 years.
The app was enthusiastically received by the market and received praising reactions, not only from parents and carers who want to teach their children to be safe and responsibly dealing with money, but also from various authorities. The app has since been expanded with new functions.
Not just for children
This app is also a useful tool for parents and carers to start a conversation with their children about pocket money, saving, doing odd jobs and expenses. Via an parent profile to be created you can see as parents of each registered child, with which savings goals and chores they are busy, how much money per child is saved and spent and how money wise your kids are. You can also give your child weekly or one -off pocket money. You can also agree on chores together, for which your child can earn cash. You confirm this appointment with a contract. MoneyCoach Yvette stimulates the interaction between parent and child. Via messages in the parent profile, follow closely how your child progresses.
In short: a useful and educational app that teaches children to deal with money and supports parents in financial education.
About Rabobank. Rabobank is a trade name of the Cooperative Rabobank UA, based on the statutory in Amsterdam. Rabobank is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30046259. For the contact details of your Rabobank, go to the heading 'Contact' on www.rabobank.nl. We are active in the field of banking, asset management, leasing, insurance and real estate. Rabobank is registered in the registers of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets and of the Nederlandsche Bank, both established in Amsterdam. Information about our registration can be found on the website of these supervisors: www.afm.nl and www.dnb.nl.
Disclaimer. This application will be offered for free by Rabobank. The application has been developed with the greatest care. However, if you have problems or suggestions about the functioning or content of the application, you can report this via your own Rabobank.