Prepare Aptitude

Prepare Aptitude Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0
  • 3.56MB

Prepare Aptitude -

P.A app is useful for bank exam Preparation,and several other aptitude tests.

Prepare Aptitude app is very useful for Aptitude Test Preparation, bank exam preparation,CAT Exam, PO, Clerk, and several other competitive exam aptitude tests.

The problems are based on:

1.Problems on Trains.

2.Programming Problems.


4.Complete the series.

5.General Knowledge.

6.Profit & Loss.

7.Calender Problems.

8.Blood relation.

9.Problems based on ages.

10.Random Test.

aptitude tests occupy a very important place in all competitive exams.

The aim of Prepare Aptitude is to impart the knowledge that is required to compete and succeed in various competitive examinations and crack aptitude tests.

Prepare Aptitude app is very useful for bank exam preparation, Aptitude Test Preparation, CAT Exam, PO, Clerk, and several other competitive exam aptitude tests.

Chapters such as Probability, Problems based on Trains, Profit and Loss, Problems based on Ages, Blood Relation Problems, Calender Problems, are covered in Prepare Aptitude.

If you keep practicing with this app you have a great probability to crack any Aptitude Test or competitive exams.

Key Features of Prepare Aptitude App :

1. Covers main Quantitative Aptitude chapters.

2. Nearly 300+ questions to practice.

3. Calculator is provided for mathematical problems

4. You can speak Question through Voice or audio.

5. Solution along with detailed explanation for the test series.

6. Random Test is Required for checking your final preparation after practice.

7. User Friendly Interface.

All of this presented to you in a neat interface. Hope you enjoy using Prepare Aptitude. Suggestions to improve the app are always welcome. If you do have any suggestions, feel free to drop a mail at [email protected]

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