Prayer Times Pro

Prayer Times Pro Practical Tools
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 5.0.2
  • 32.66MB

Prayer Times Pro -

Prayer Times, The Holy Quran, Qibla Compass, Dhikr Matic, Tasbih And More


With this application, you can reach the annual prayer times of the Turkey without montly updates and internet connection.


The biggest weakness of other applications on the market is that, you can not reach the prayer times truly, (when that need it most, program would be necessary for you) when you can not update the app from the internet for a certain period or when you go to another city from your location without internet connection. We now put an end to it with this application. You can reach the annual prayer times of the Turkey without the need to update the program for a year or without having to connect to the internet to download another city. Moreover, the program is very small in size compared to their counterparts (0,93 Mb).


When you double-click on the Home screen, you can see the details of the day. You can see the information of the day of Hijri, Gregorian and Rumi, and verse or hadith of the day. If you don't want to forget you can bookmark. Before use the application please set your city location from settings. And you can change your city location without internet connection.


Different methods are using in the calculation of Prayer times. Many offical and governmental institutions doing studies and publish on this subject. Some of them are highly regarded in the world while others are only used by certain groups of people. As can be seen in the market, some applications may have differences up to 15-20 minutes in the time of prayer. For this, it is important to select a reliable research center. This application is fully compatible with annual prayer times that published by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Religious Affairs which is the most widely accepted in the Muslim world and scientifically accepted and respected by every Muslim.


Only the permission of network communication is granted by this appliacation. The reason of that is to publish the advertisements.


The categories of "sexuality, dating, gambling, betting" are not selected from the advertisements. Nevertheless some problems can be done. We wish you to know and understand that, this is the same problem of other appliacation.

What's New in the Latest Version 5.0.2

Last updated on Dec 30, 2024 Hata düzeltmeleri yapılmıştır.
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