Place My Face

Place My Face Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.4.2
  • 50MB

Place My Face -

Place your face on different funny templates and fool your friends!

★★★ Hooray!! Place My Face is available for Android ★★★

★★★ Check out our legendary app Place My Face specially redeveloped for Android Devices - #1 rank in entertainment category on other stores ★★★

ⓁⓄⓁ ON YOUR FRIENDS, BOSS OR ANYBODY ELSE BY PLACING HIS FACE ON THE FUNNY TEMPLATES :)) Share your "art" on Facebook and enjoy.. ;) Choose photos either from your gallery, or take it with camera.

Place My Face is a great app for having fun with your friends photos. You can place your face on variety of funny templates from different categories such are:

- Animals

- Babies

- Fun

- Misc

- Gangster

- Medieval

- Uniform

- Celebrities

- Politics

- Strong & Beauty

- Art

- Fashion & Glamour

How it works? It's easy!

1. Take picture with your camera or import from your photo album.

2. Place your face behind selected template

3. Adjust photo size, orientation, color and brightness with built in tools

4. Save or share created photo to you friends

App is absolutely worth to download NOW!. You won't be disappointed.

If you like this app please rate it with 5 stars on app store. It motivates us to make our apps even better. Thanks.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.4.2

Last updated on Dec 21, 2016 - Minor Bugs Fixed

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