
Pictalk Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 0.0.39
  • 29.43MB

Pictalk -

Share life's every moment. All conversations are erased after 10 seconds.

Welcome to a new world of chat with images.

Capture any and every moment of your life and share them with your loved ones.

Feel free to be yourself as all images and chats are erased after 10 seconds.

What about screen capture? Don't worry - the function is disabled with Pictalk.

Why is everything erased?

Haven't you felt the stress of having to put your best face on for social media? Ever got angry with a friend for tagging a bad photo of you? Wouldn't it be great to just be yourself, to be able to share your worst morning face with a friend and not worry about leaving an eternal record on the internet?

We want to encourage deeper, more intimate, more honest relationships by giving you the freedom to express yourself exactly as you are, whenever you want.

Don't worry about dressing up! Anyone can join this party wearing whatever you want, being whoever you want.

We will worry about the privacy - you just go and have fun with your friends.

What's New in the Latest Version 0.0.39

Last updated on Nov 12, 2015 립싱크 기능 추가
몇몇 기종 동영상 촬영 안되는 버그 수정!
사진에 필터 기능 추가!!

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