Perang Mahabharata Kurukshetra

Perang Mahabharata Kurukshetra Educational Learning
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Perang Mahabharata Kurukshetra -

Background of a power struggle between the five sons of pandu (the pandavas)

The Mahabharata War in Kurukshetra which is an important part of the struggle for power between five sons of Pandu (Pandawa) with one hundred sons of Drembarastra (Kaurava). The Kurukshetra plain which is the location of this battle can still be visited and witnessed until now. Kurukshetra is located in the state of Haryana, India.

The battle is not known exactly when it occurs, so it is sometimes mentioned in the "mythological era". Some relics of debris in Kurukshetra (such as fortress) are suspected as evidence of archeology. According to the book of Bhagawadgita, the war in Kurukshetra took place 3000 years before the BC (5000 years ago) and it became a famous reference.

Although the battle was a dispute between two families in one dynasty, it also involved various kingdoms in the mainland of India in the past. The battle took place for 18 days, and millions of troops from both parties died. The war resulted in many women who became widows and many children who became orphans. This war also resulted in a crisis in the mainland of India and was a gate to the Kaliyuga era, the era of destruction according to Hindu beliefs.

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