NotifierPro Heads-up Free -
Heads up notifications for your device
Heads up notifications for your device
Features :
• NotifierPro completes your notification bar with non-intrusive heads up notification banners.
• NotifierPro can notify you for any app
• You can swipe the notification to the right to dismiss it, to the left to dismiss all notifications, or click it to launch it.
• Numerous themes are available.
• Pebble Watch support
The press :
"NotifierPro really does make Android's notifications better" - Lifehacker (May 2012)
"NotifierPro is unique" - AndroidSpin (May 2012)
"If you're looking for customizability, this is it - Android Police (Apr 2012)
"NotifierPro makes your notifications even better" - (May 2012)
** Developers :
- You now have the possibility to develop and publish themes for NotifierPro. More information :
- NotifierPro now includes an API with the ability for developers to raise notifications through the app. More information :
Support :
Google+ beta community :
Support page :
Follow us :
You need to activate NotifierPro's accessibility service/notification access for it to be able to notify you. Status bar notifications must be enabled in the monitored apps for NotifierPro to be able to process them.
What's New in the Latest Version 11.4
Last updated on Dec 10, 2015 - Android 6 support- Removed notification history (nobody uses it and it tends to make the app significantly slower
- Bug fixes