MYReport Field Service -
Everything you need for your the ministery is free and without any advertising.
MYReport is a practical app, useful and with a compelling graphics that will supports you through your ministery and allows ti manage your ministery report, the notes you take, the itinieraries, the bibles studies easily.
MYReport operation:
• Registration of the ministery report.
• Viewing the total of the monthly report or annual report of the pioneer (from september to august of the follwing year).
• The possibility of sending the personal report by mail, sms, whatsapp etc...
• Registration of the various territories for the notes "from house to house" with the possibility of view through a filter the type of territory.
• Registration of people for notes "from house to house" with the possibility of view through a filter all the absent or the visits.
• Registration of monthly itineraries.
• Registration of bible studies.
• Automatic setting of the language Italian, English, French, Spanish, Brazilian potuguese, Albanian, Serbian, Dutch, Russian, Czech and Indonesian.
• Registration of appointments
• Viewing of the personal ministery card.
• The great operation that allows you to find a biblical writing by transcribing some words you remember from it and the possibility of add new biblical writing whenever you want.
• Possibility of set the data by backup in case of need (ex. wrong removal of the app, purchase new phone..).
• Detailed guide of the application.
What's New in the Latest Version 4.6
Last updated on May 9, 2017 - NEW REPORT- SHARING NOTES