MISSION IAS 2015 is Specially made for students who want to crack the UPSC exam.
MISSION IAS 2015 is Specially made for those students who want to crack the UPSC exam.
Download this app and you will find the great study materials fro the various competitive exams like IAS, IPS, PCS, IBPS, Banking and many more
The new Recruitment Process of Civil Services Exam conducted by the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) is called the CSAT or the Civil Services Aptitude Test. The CSAT has come into effect from the Civil Services Examination, 2011
This Civil Service Examination Preparation app contains the great data for
1. General Knowledge
2. General Awareness
3. Aptitude
4. Verbal Ability
5. Reasoning
6. Current Affairs & General awareness
7. History of India
8. Geography
9. Political Science
10. Comprehension