Master Launcher - MCPE Mod -
MCPE Master is an Android launcher app for Minecraft Pocket Edition.
MCPE Master Launcher
MCPE Master is an Android launcher app for Minecraft Pocket Edition. It adds several easy to use tools which greatly increase your control of the game. For example, changing the time of day and switching current gamemodes have never been easier. There are literally tons of features included in the app and to find out more continue on reading and we’ll walk you through all the features!
Lantern Mod
A lantern is a small, modern block and when placed in the dark it will spread a warm and cozy light surrounding it. For some building projects torches can feel like an ancient lighting setup to use then the lantern definitely can come in handy as an alternative.
SecurityCraft Mod
SecurityCraft adds a couple of new features to the game which better help you secure your creations from unwanted guests. The main attraction in this mod is the secured door. Basically you will be able to access a super strong door only by using a specific connected card. The rest of the features in the mod includes reinforced blocks and some more.