Marbel Berkendara Aman (Mudik) -
educational games that help children learn safe driving and berlalulintas
Marbel Come Homecoming - is an educational application for children aged 7 years and older. This application helps children learn how to drive and berlalulintas safe. Marbel Come Homecoming teaches the importance of wearing a helmet standard, obey traffic signs, and understand safe driving tips. The application comes with a supporting narrative that is very beneficial for children who are not yet fluent reading. Each material is equipped with narration, so kids can learn just by listening to her voice. Once they have finished learning how to drive safe, there are a wide range of exciting games waiting for them. Through these games, the knowledge and the results of their study could be tested.
Marbel combines the concept of learning and playing into one that gave birth to a way of learning more enjoyable. The material will be presented in an attractive form comes with Image + Sound Narrative + animations to attract children's interest in learning. Furthermore, they can hone skills through educational games provided.
- Learn how to drive and berlalulintas safe.
- There is a wide variety of arcade games
- Images and interesting animation.
- Equipped with a narrative to help children who are not yet fluent reading.
These applications can be classified into children's learning apps, educational apps, educational games, book learning, interactive learning, Puzzle games, kids games, picture books, coloring books, learn coloring.
ABOUT Marbel
Marbel is a special education application for children ages 2 s / d 8 years. Together Marbel, children can learn a lot of things in a fun way. There are learning materials that will help children to learn about something for example only letters, numbers, fruits, vegetables, Hewat, means of transportation, color, and many more. The most interesting of the marble is: a fun educational game. There is a wide variety of games that will test their skills. The game consist of: a fast right, dexterity, memory, ingenuity, brain teasers and many more. Marbel equipped with interesting images and animations, original music, and narrative useful guide for children who are not yet fluent reading.
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For mothers who like to accompany the children to play, there's no harm in trying the application Marbel. Children not only have fun in the play, but also useful knowledge. Learn while playing .. ?? Why not..?? Ayoo we accompany the children to learn, along Marbel course .. :)