Lotus Chat -
Connect, share, chat app for social network Lotus
Lotus Chat is a free, simple, fast and secure messaging application developed by Vietnamese people.
Lotus Chat helps you connect with friends, allowing you to send messages easily.
Besides sending regular messages, Lotus Chat supports you to send image files, text, information quickly and smoothly.
Lotus Chat supports finding and connecting friends through phone lists and interacting as fans on the Lotus social networking platform.
Lotus Chat connects you to the flat world, you can shorten the distance through Lotus Chat feature.
Lotus Group Chat helps you create a dialogue with a group of many people, serving models of group meetings, exchanges, discussions...
The Quick Chat feature helps you create your own chat group right in the current chat group, convenient support for workgroups.
Lotus supports users to use the chat feature on demand, you can choose to connect or not connect with each person.
Lotus Chat Help you keep valuable chats and can choose to post them on Lotus social network.
Lotus Chat can write text, send photos (Gif, Emotion...), send links...
Units sent from Lotus social network such as: Video, Photo, Photo Album, Gallery Frame, Gallery Single, Blog post, Note post...
Message actions: forward, reply, copy, delete.
Lotus Chat helps to exchange information between 2 people or a group of people through computers, smartphones or other devices.
** New feature:
CALL 1-1
- Lotus Chat helps you make calls with friends via call, connect love - thousands of words to share.
- Recording feature (optional) makes it easy to listen to and share with loved ones. Create task categories and add people you need easily
- Quickly create group calls on demand, easily add friends to the call immediately to solve work.
- Recording feature (optional) to share with friends who are absent.
Secure chat, protect identity
- Avoid revealing identity to users:
- Protect identity when fw messages, take screenshots
- When joining a public group (open/closed) don't want to reveal your identity
- Build a separate identity for each participating community group
- Protect private chats
- Protect important and private chats such as passwords, bank codes, transaction information, .. with a secure vault mechanism and a security key.
- Anti-edit, delete evidence chats: purchase chats, order confirmations, transactions, debts, .. when both parties agree
- Automatically delete messages after a certain period of time
What's New in the Latest Version 2.3.4-release
Last updated on Oct 12, 2024 Bản cập nhật Lotus Chat Version 2.3.4 bao gồm:1. Tinh chỉnh
- Bổ sung chức năng Phê duyệt thành viên với các nhóm Riêng tư dưới 100 người
- Thêm mục Hỗ trợ Lotus Chat trong phần Cài đặt, cung cấp thông tin/ hướng dẫn về các chức năng chính của ứng dụng
2. Sửa lỗi
- Lỗi call
- Lỗi duplicate danh bạ
- Một số lỗi giao diện
- Khi đang thực hiện cuộc gọi mà máy bị khoá sẽ mất micro
- Lỗi crash khi tạo/ nhắn tin trong mạch chat bảo mật