Live! Train Status -
Quick and easy access to every necessary information about Indian Railways
Live Train Status is the Fastest, simplest and a very light application to find every necessary information about Indian Railways with cool native interface.
You can get the train status regarding current delays and position at any point of time while in or before journey plus you can get info like availability
and schedule.
Feature Highlights:
1. Train Between Stations :
✔ Find Trains Between any two Stations using Station Code/Name
2. Seat Availability :
✔ Get Availability of Seats in a Train using its Number/Name
✔ Seat Availability is shown for Next 6 days from Current Date or your chosen date.
3. Train Route info. :
✔ Detailed Route information of any Train with Arrival - Departure - Halt time.
4. Train Fare Enquiry :
✔ Fare Charges for your desired Train between your choice of Stations
5. Check PNR Status :
✔ Check PNR Status for your booked ticket in a few clicks.
6. Train Arrivals / Departures at Stations :
✔ Arrivals & Departures in next 2 or 4 hrs from any Station (Live Station)
7. Live! Train Status :
✔ Live Status of your train by entering its Name or Number
✔ Shows Expected arrival & departure timings
✔ Delay in Arrivals or Departures
✔ Last Location of Train
8. Cancelled Trains :
✔ Get information for Everyday's Cancelled trains
9. Rescheduled Trains :
✔ Get information for Everyday's rescheduled trains along with delay and expected arrival and departure.
10. Seat Map/Coach Layout [ Offline ]:
✔ How do you know if you have a window seat on a train? Well, it is very simple. Just select coach and we will show you seat-map.
11. Ad Free Zone:
✔ No Pop-up ads between app usage
Tips to Use
- Please note that ticket booking status / PNR status service is unavailable between 11:30 PM & 12:30 AM.
- For any issues email us at [email protected] & we will be happy to investigate any matter.
► This app is not affiliated with CRIS ,NTES or IRCTC or Indian Railways.
► Most icons in this app are Designed by Freepik from flaticon.
*** Please Note ***
★ This is just the beginning there lots more to come in future updates....
★ what is your openion about our app. Please Share your feedback - Rate our app. on Google play store
★ If you want any feature in app OR if you have any suggestion to make our app more batter , more user friendly,
please share your thoughts with us at : [email protected]