Like You

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  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.0.1
  • 1.56MB

Like You -

Excellent and very useful for people like dating and find your true life.

Like You - Speed ​​Dating - This is a really great and useful page for those who want to date and find real partners. When participating in this page, the members understand that they have a real need and desire to date. And speed dating will help the members connect and find the true half.

Like You - Dating speed is an interesting way for you to meet a lot of new friends in a romantic and fun night. You have the opportunity to get acquainted with 7 to 12 single friends in the opposite sex. Each quick conversation within 5-7 minutes allows you to find out and decide whether you want to continue contacting and chatting with that person after the program or not.

• Is each appointment only 5 - 7 minutes short?

It is just enough time for you to impress and impress the opposite person, it is also short enough for you not to feel uncomfortable if you do not want to talk to that person.

• If you like someone on an appointment, what should I do?

"Double grafting" is the solution for you. If you are impressed with someone just need to get a result  Go to the "double graft" to the organizers. After 01 day of synthesis, we will send the results with contact information to the mail to you and that person if both agree to choose "want to make friends" or "want to date".

• What is the speed date organized by Likeyou?

On the format organized a traditional speed date, the speed dating program organized by Likeyou has renewed the script so that the program can ensure the purpose of a romantic date, and maximize the cohesion to help everyone have a really fun and meaningful evening:

- Dating traditional speed in romantic scenery

- Gameshow interesting, unique

- Free buffet includes drinks and snacks

- Lucky lucky number

- Secret gifts for boys/girls with the highest number of votes at night

- There are always surprises from BTC for each program

.... And there are more interesting things than that

Keywords: speed dating, Like You , find friends, make friends, love online.

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