Libro rojo de Mao

Libro rojo de Mao Educational Learning
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Libro rojo de Mao -

Quotations from chairman mao tse -tung or Mao's Red Book - Download

"President Mao's appointments." - As the work is actually called- it is the second most published book in history.

Libro rojo de Mao , better known in the West as the Libro rojo de Mao or the small red book, is a book published since April 1964 by the Government of the People's Republic of China in which quotes and speeches pronounced by Mao Tse-Tung are collected, which at that time was the president of the country and the Communist Party of China. It is estimated that since its publication more than 900 million copies have been printed, so it would be the second most published book in history, 2 only surpassed by the Bible.

The Libro rojo de Mao (quotes from President Mao Tse-Tung) consists of the following chapters:

I. The Communist Party

II. Classes and class struggle

III. Socialism and communism

IV. The correct treatment of contradictions within the people

V. Guerra y Paz

VI. Imperialism and all reactionaries are paper tigers

VII. Dare to fight the victory

VIII. The popular war

IX. The popular army

X. The direction of the party committees

XI. Mass line

XII. Political work

XIII. Relations between officers and soldiers

XIV. Army and people relations

XV. Democracy in the three main land

XVI. Education and military training

XVII. Serve the people

XVIII. Patriotism and internationalism

XIX. Revolutionary heroism

XX. Build our country with industriousness and economy

XXI. Rely on their own efforts and work hard

XXII. Thought and work methods

XXIII. Research and study

XXIV. Ideological self -education

XXV. Unit

XXVI. Discipline

XXVII. Criticism and self -criticism

XXVIII. Communists

XXIX. Paintings

XXX. Youths

XXXI. Women

XXXII. Culture and art


Preface to the second edition of appointments of President Mao Tsetung written by Lin Piao begins like this:

"Comrade Mao Tsetung is the greatest Marxist-Leninist of our time. He has inherited, defended and developed in a great and creative way and in all its aspects Marxismoleninism, raising it to a completely new stage.

Mao Tsetung's thought is Marxism-Leninism of the time when imperialism precipitates towards its total ruin and socialism advances towards victory throughout the world. It is a powerful ideological weapon in the fight against imperialism; It is a powerful ideological weapon in the fight against revisionism and dogmatism. It is the guide for the entire work of the party, the army and the country.

Therefore, the most fundamental task in the political-ideological work of our party is to always keep the great red flag of the thought of Mao Tsetung, assemble all the people with the thought of Mao Tsetungy, in all kinds of work, to resolutely place the thought of Mao Tsetung in the command post. "

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