KYOCERA Mobile Print -
Use Kyocera printing devices via your mobile device
With the KYOCERA Mobile Print app, you can use your Android mobile device to discover compatible KYOCERA printing devices on your local Wi-Fi network. If supported by your printing device, Wi-Fi Direct lets you connect directly to a printing device without a local Wi-Fi network. When connected, you can do the following:
• Print photos and documents stored on your Android mobile device. KYOCERA Mobile Print can handle a wide range of file formats, including .PDF, .JPG, .PNG, .TIFF, and .TXT. You can also print .HTML files at lower resolution
• Scan your documents on a compatible printing device and save them to your Android mobile device or a supported external service
• Attach and send documents that are stored within the app by email
• Print webpages accessed through the app's built-in web browser
The following external services are supported in KYOCERA Mobile Print:
• Dropbox
• Evernote
• OneDrive
• SMB (Shared Folder)