Kisah Para Malaikat

Kisah Para Malaikat Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 0.0.2
  • 3.56MB

Kisah Para Malaikat -

@_istiqomahmedia 2015

All praise to Allah Almighty is the God of the world, the perfect God, the wise. Salutations and greetings to the visit of Prophet Muhammad, his family and his best friends. Thanks to the application of these Kisah Para Malaikat can be built for shared partnerships. We hope that the applications that have been consolidated from some of these media sources will benefit all readers knowledge and benefits.

The angels are the creatures of Allah Almighty, obedient and loyal to Him. He always remembers and raises Allah Almighty no matter what. The angel was created by Allah Almighty from the light or the nurse and lacks the lustful of man and faithfully performed his duties until the Day of Judgment. It also has the ability to

fill the space of heaven and earth. Hopefully the display of Kisah Para Malaikat can give you a picture of this noble creature as a guide for every human being in this life and to the pleasure of Allah Almighty. So, thank you.

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