Java Interview Tutorials

Java Interview Tutorials Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.1
  • 472.66KB

Java Interview Tutorials -

Java Interview Tutorials

Have an Interview tomorrow? Get this app to prepare yourself for Java in a really short time. This app provides you all basic and advanced details about every concept used in java. All data is divided within list and easy to understand. You don't require a running internet connection for the functioning of the app.

It's very fast to move around the app and packed in a very small size to save your time in every aspect.

Main features of the app are :

1. All topics covered and divided in overview and complete info mode.

2. Contents are divided in Basic, Intermediate and Advance mode to move around application easily and find topics in very less time.

3. Easy to understand english words used.

4. Not require any Internet connection for running.

5. App works without any internet connection.

6. Very small in size and requires low system memory.

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