Intellistats -
Intellistats shows Call, SMS & Data usage insights so you select the best plan.
Intellistats helps you analyze your Call, SMS, and Data usage so you can choose your carrier plans more efficiently.
Pakistani Users:
* Compare all mobile packages & offers of Ufone, Mobilink, Warid, Zong CMPak and Telenor.
* Up-to-date Prepaid, Postpaid, 3G, SMS, and Call packages information, so you can confidently see which bundles are most suitable to you.
Key Features:
* Detailed stats about your calls, sms, and data usage.
* Usage patterns presented with beautiful graphical illustrations.
* Filter your usage over the course of months, weeks, or even define your own billing period.
* Shows estimated bills for tariff plans, and suggests the best combinations of packages and offers. (in supported countries)
* Find out which carriers you interact with the most; this assists in decision-making regarding change of phone plan or carrier (since on-net calls/sms are cheaper than off-net ones).
* Learn more about your contacts, and their frequency of interaction with you (and vice versa).
* Identify data hogging apps, and manage to stay within your data usage limits.
There’s a lot more to Intellistats, so give it a try, and share a review of your experience.
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What's New in the Latest Version 3.0.2
Last updated on Dec 10, 2015 - Up-to-date information on latest offers- Subscribe to offers directly from Intellistats
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