Images of True Love

Images of True Love Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 22.0
  • 11.3MB

Images of True Love -

Images of True Love to share.

Images of True Love to share.

Who else want to share these beautiful images with quotes from genuine love.

After the success with over 400,000 downloads of our application "Pictures of Love" compilation we present another more.

* How to tell how much you love him when you do not get the words, an image with love Freses help make that true and sincere message.

* Tell her how much you love him.

* Tender phrases of love, of tenderness, that will make your partner shudder, or friendship.

* How many times have you thought to say how much you want and can not find the words.

People who receive these beautiful phrases feel loved, pampered, and cared for. Do not miss this opportunity and say I LOVE YOU!

Internet PhraseBook collected and placed in your cell with this application. You can share it as you like, using whatsapp, Facebook or whatever, e ......

Hope you like!


This application contains advertising to keep the costs of programming.

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