Gom VPN - Bypass and Unblock -
Press the Gom button to bypass and unblock websites/apps
Have you ever encountered issues purchasing an item from Amazon?
Blocked from Netflix or Pandora because of region restriction?
Or simply having websites blocked because of Internet censorship?
Gom is a configuration-free unblocking app that makes these issues go away.
To use, just press the Gom button.
● Super fast 1000mbit unblocking servers
● Zero configuration
● One-tap activation
● Use on Android, iPhone, Firefox or Chrome on the same account, without extra charges.
"A technologically illiterate solution", Forbes
"Three clicks is all it takes to install", TechInAsia
"The extension will allow users to go freely about the Internet without their internet provider pestering them with imposed restrictions", Pocket-Lint
"UK's porn filters foiled by Chrome extension", Wired