GF Live -
This app gives you a way to stay connected with the initiatives and events of
Genesis Foundation, and a way to Give Life a Chance.
Genesis Foundation (GF) provides financial support for life-saving and life-
changing medical intervention for critically ill under-privileged children in areas
of cancer, cardiac disorder, post organ transplant medication, thalassemia and
extreme deformities. Support from GF in the said five critical illnesses, varies
from specific medical intervention, recovery and recuperation, to extended
treatments like chemotherapy and follow-up medicines post surgeries. We Give
Life a Chance.
So far, Genesis Foundation has supported the medical treatment of over 580
critically ill children. The children supported by the Foundation belong to
families with an income of less than Rs 10,000 per month, where the parents are
unable to afford treatment of these children suffering from serious, life-
threatening ailments.
Genesis Foundation relies on its supporters—companies and individuals—to
participate in its fund-raising initiatives, which include unique events, CSR
implementation projects, as well as opportunities to sponsor the treatment of
specific children.
100% of funds raised are dedicated towards treatment of critically ill children as
all overhead costs are borne by the trustees. GF is registered under section 80-G
of the Income Tax Act of 1961, which entitles 50% tax exemption.
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