FPT Cloud Camera (New) -
Security Camera Services of FTP Telecom International Company.
The mobile version of Cloud Camera service (surveillance 247) of FPT Company.
With this application, just use a smartphone, the user can monitor houses, factories, offices, warehouses ... anywhere through the Cloud camera system developed by FPT Company.
Account demo:
- Username: demo
- Password: FPTCAMERA
Contact information:
FTP Telecom International
Address: Lot 29B-31B-33B, Tan Thuan Street, Tan Thuan EPZ, Tan Thuan Dong Ward, District 7, TP. HCM
Phone: (08) 7300 2222 | Ext: 8943, 8727
Fax: (08) 7300 2233
Website: http://giamsat247.vn
What's new in the latest version 1.1.20150701.01
Last updated on Aug 7, 2015 *** Version 20150701:- Fix the error that does not verify the username and password when connected to the camera to view.