FlashLight Supporter Football

FlashLight Supporter Football Life Entertainment
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 1.2
  • 2.92MB

FlashLight Supporter Football -

It is A New Way Of Supporting In Sporting stadiums

FlashLight Supporter

FlashLight Supporter: an application which comes with a new way to support in sporting stadiums as on the video.

FlashLight: A flashlight is a hand-held portable electrically powered light source, and is often called a torch in areas outside of North America. Usually the light source is a small incandescent light bulb or light-emitting diode (LED).

A typical flashlight consists of a light bulb mounted in a reflector, a transparent cover (sometimes combined with a lens) to protect the light source and reflector, a battery, and a switch. These are supported and protected by a case.

Supporter: In heraldry, supporters are figures usually placed on either side of the shield and depicted holding it up. These figures may be real or imaginary animals, human figures, and in rare cases plants or inanimate objects. Often these can have local significance, such as the fisherman and the tin miner granted to Cornwall County Council, or a historical link, such as the lion of England and unicorn of Scotland in the two variations of the Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom.

The arms of nutritionist John Boyd-Orr use two garbs (wheat sheaves) as supporters; the arms of the USS Donald Cook, missiles; the arms of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in Brazil, trees. Letters of the alphabet are used as supporters in the arms of Valencia, Spain.

Football: Football refers to a number of sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. Unqualified, the word football is understood to refer to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears: association football (also known as soccer) in the vast majority of the world; gridiron football (specifically American football or Canadian football) in the United States and Canada; Australian rules football or rugby league in different areas of Australia; Gaelic football in Ireland; and rugby football (specifically rugby union) in New Zealand. These different variations of football are known as football codes.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License: http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

What's New in the Latest Version 1.2

Last updated on Mar 2, 2016 -l'ajout d'un nouveau button GOAL qui déclenche un signal de flash qui clignote et qui donne une ambiance de joie dans le stade.
-Merci de partager avec vos amis.

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