
FilterProxy Newsletter Social
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.4.10
  • 111.05KB

FilterProxy -

FilterProxy is access blocking local Proxy.You can block unwanted contents.

FilterProxy is a access blocking proxy.

*WARNING* If you uninstall this, please reset proxy setting. If you don't, you will not be able to connect the internet.


* FilterProxy blocks the URL that matched registered patterns.

* FilterProxy acts as redirector.

* FilterProxy replaces HTTP request header.

[Initial setting]

* In "Main-Setting" Tab, push "setting"

* "Mobile networks" -> "Access Point Names" -> {Using Access Point}

* In "Proxy", set "localhost"

* In "Port", set "8000"(Default port number of FilterProxy is 8000)


Because I cannot write it here, look at

in detail.


Use FilterProxy at your own risk.

[Caution 1]

FilterProxy is not Ad blocking application.

It blocks accessing the URL that matchs registerd patterns.

[Caution 2]

If you feel strange, please uninstall FilterProxy and recover the proxy setting of wireless access point.

[Caution 3]

It is troublesome that FilterProxy is killed for creating free memory.

(If FilterProxy is killed, you can't browse the Web page.)

So FilterProxy is wakeuped repeatly by timer when there isn't a icon of FilterProxy on the statusbar.

[Caution 4]

FilterProxy don't change the HTTPS access.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.4.10

Last updated on Aug 24, 2015 Ver 2.4.10
* cerrect Redirct process.
* append new Redirect Rule expression '$(dir2:M,N)".

Ver 2.4.9
* correct the result of $(dir:N) in Rewrite Pattern.

Ver 2.4.8
* In changing tab, needless software keyboard came to be hidden.
* When adding or removing a rule in [URL Filter/DenyList] tab, the match count has slipped off. It has been corrected.

Ver 2.4.7
* Append HTTPS logs disable option.

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