fastwiki Offline Encyclopedia

fastwiki Offline Encyclopedia Educational Learning
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 3.0 rc3
  • 897.92KB

fastwiki Offline Encyclopedia -

Complete offline Wikipedia Reader

Note: If you upgrade from 2.x, you should be use below method to find offline data:

Press MENU -> Setting -> select data folder.

Note: Fastwiki don't provide any offline data files, but you can use fastwiki tools

to make offline data by youself.

Please refer:

And, you can download test offline data file on:

This folder have 4 files, if you not want to test image feature, just download 3 files is enough:

fastwiki.dat.en_simple 24M

fastwiki.idx.en_simple 14M

fastwiki.math.en_simple.201312 5M

Fastest offline Encyclopedia for wikipedia(, support Android/Linux/Windows platform. Your can create the offline data file by yourself, support more than 100 language.

Convert tool 2.2.3 release, could convert all language(include English) wikipedia dump file on windows platform.


1. complete offline. Don't need any network.

2. support fuzzy search, and very fast.

3. support mathematical formulas.

The official website offers more than 100 languages ​​mathematical formula files.

4. super bookmark, remember all history position.

5. support favorite and history.

6. font size setting as you wish.

7. touch to translate.

8. custom background image.

What's New in the Latest Version 3.0 rc3

Last updated on Jan 11, 2017 3.0 rc3:

1. fix scan sdcard bug: change to setting data folder by yourself.
2. Change super bookmark: auto record bookmark if stay large than 5 seconds
3. fix long press to select text bug.

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