FASTcloud -
The Service Cloud Storage Fastweb
FASTcloud Storage As A Service is an EFSS (Enterprise File Sync and Share) and backup service for safe and reliable companies that allows the creation of a flexible and accessible data storage space everywhere and at any time. It has a web -based access through the most common browsers, mobile/tablet apps (iOS, Android) guaranteeing all the features normally available in a local storage system such as writing, reading and modifying information.
FASTcloud Storage also provides the synchronization and bidirectional sharing features of files between different users from any place and any device efficiently. Through the web portal it is possible to create and manage the users who have access to the service and makes the reporting available that provides all information relating to the use of the service.
What's New in the Latest Version 5.0.36
Last Updated on Dec 23, 2015 improved the user's uxNew graphic interface
Correction of minors and improvement of performances.
Please note that the use of the app is bound to the signing of a FASTcloud Storage contract. Contact your rapresenting Fastweb for a quote.