Ewa Home -
Your personal home assistant
From home lovers to home lovers
Ewa Home
Think of Ewa Home as having a little personal assistant in your phone.
It let’s you control your lights and electrical devices.
Discover how Ewa can simplify your every day life at www.ewahome.com
Download now to benefit:
Peace of mind
Did I forget to…? Relax. With Ewa Home you can make sure things are not left ”on”
while you are away. Enjoy peace of mind.
Make sure your heating is not wasted while you are not at home.
Create schedules for your lights to make your house look busy while you are exploring the world without worrying.
Turn off your coffee machine from the parking lot at work instead of driving all the way back home in the morning.
Get a more simple and convenient every day life.
TVs and lights can all be switched off with a single click in your app.
Enable push notifications and make sure to be be notified if you forget to turn off your coffeemachine, flatiron or lamps.
Dim your favorite reading lamp to create just the right atmosphere for your afternoon coffee.