Etika Suami Istri -
This Application Contains Ethical Guidelines between Husband and Wife. May Be Useful.
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"The Messenger of Allah said: Indeed, among the perfection of faith
Believers are those who have good temperament and more
affection (applies gentle) towards his wife " -History of Imam Turmudzi and Imam Judge from Aisyah-
This application contains ethical guidelines between husband and wife taken from the Book of Uqudulujain FII Bayani Huququzauja, by Sheikh Muhammad bin Umar Nawawi.
Equipped with an introduction to marriage and contains 4 fasal.
- Fasal 1- Explain the rights of the wife of her husband.
- Fasal 2- Explain the husband's rights to his wife.
- Fasal 3 - Explain the virtues of the prayers of women (wives) in their own homes, even the prayer is more important than the prayer of a woman in the mosque with Rosululloh SAW
-Fasal 4-Explain about the prohibition of men (husband) pay attention or look at the Ajnabiyah women or to other people's wives, namely women who are not muhrim and vice versa, also other prohibitions based on the Qur'an and Al-Hadith.
Hopefully useful and can take you to a happy household and blessing in the world and the hereafter.