Empik Go -
Access over 190,000 audiobooks, ebooks and podcasts
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Just a few clicks are enough to have access to the widest offer of e-books and audiobooks in Poland. You read ? and listen ? what you want, when you want. Download the file or read and listen online.
Thanks to Empik Go, reading books becomes even easier:
⭐ gain access to the largest database of titles, over 190,000 e-books, audiobooks and podcasts
⭐ complete all your e-books and audiobooks in the Library
⭐ use the intuitive e-book reader
⭐ listen on advanced audiobook player
⭐ listen in streaming or offline - you can play the audiobook without internet access, e.g. on a plane
⭐ use safe auto mode when listening to an audiobook in the car
⭐ library synchronization with empik.com, all e-books and audiobooks purchased at empik.com will automatically be in your Empik Go library
Choose e-books and audiobooks from categories such as:
- crime story
- sensation
- fantasy
- for children
- for young people
- Foreign Languages
- biographies and documentary
- non-fiction
- customary literature
- reading
Download the application and gain access to the widest offer on the market: new products, exclusives and promotions.
Log in with your empik.com account details or register easily.
Enjoy the freedom of reading and listening. Use the built-in e-book reader and audiobook player. Personalize the app, complete your library, write reviews and rate books.
What's New in the Latest Version
Last updated on Feb 21, 2025 Zmiany w wersji 3.13.04:- poprawki najczęściej zgłaszanych przez Was błędów
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