Electrical Calc & Formulas -
Memorize Formulas with its calculations
One App for different electrical calculation.
One of the best feature of this application is it contains calculators with its formula used in Calculation.
Features and Calculation:
→ Voltage(ohm's law)
→ Current(ohm's law)
→ Resistance(ohm's law)
→ Power(ohm's law)
→ Resister in series
→ Resister in parallel
→ Capacitor in series
→ Capacitor in parallel
→ Inductor in series
→ Inductor in parallel
→ AC power (single phase and three phase)
→ AC Voltage (single phase and three phase)
→ AC Curent (single phase and three phase)
→ Delta to Star conversion
→ Star to Delta Conversion
→ Kva(single phase and three phase)
→ Power factor(single phase and three phase)
→ HP ↔ kW Conversion
→ Resister color code calculation(4 band)
→ Resister color code calculation(5 band)
→ Resister color code calculation(6 band)
→ Inductor color code
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