DBUS official App

DBUS official App Travel
  • Android 7.0
  • Version: 2.4
  • 7.03MB

DBUS official App -

Check real-time information about Dbus bus service in San Sebastian.

Real-time access to full information about public transport in San Sebastian. The app is available in four languages, the Basque language (Euskera), Spanish, English, and French. You can change the language at any time from within the app.

The new version of the app features numerous improvements, such as:

- Route maps for all lines, more accessible. Now it’s easier to find route maps for all the lines on the timetable screen.

- Diagram or thermometer of all lines and details of departures. Details of the stops on each line and the complete timetable, from the first to the last service.

- Check all the timetables, quickly and easily. Simplified itineraries with all stops by direction.

- Real-time information about all arrivals, more reliable with audio option. Information about bus arrival times adapted for people with visual impairment.

- Top up your Mugi card using the application. Visit the Mugi site to top up your Mugi or Lurralbus card in your private area. If you top up before 23.00, you can activate your top-up on Dbus buses the following day.

- Geolocation and Layar to find the closest stops.

- Check arrival times with QR codes. Check bus arrival times in real time at bus stops with QR codes, and check long it will be before you arrive on the bus.

There are so many information and services to help you enjoy every day in San Sebastian, and everything is so easy and convenient.

The new version of the Dbus App is available for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. Download it free from your store.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.4

Last updated on Jul 29, 2024 Update to virtual Redsys POS certificates

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